SINCE 2007
First Legion is truly a company of collectors for collectors. The company was formed in 2007 with the goal of creating the finest mass produced, hand painted historical figures in the world. We wanted superb quality, historical accuracy, and tremendous range depth to create the most intricate and accurate dioramas possible. The problem was that this simply did not exist, even across many different figure makers. It was because of this lack of suitable products that we decided we would create our own company to make products how we feel they should be made. As such, we have a real passion for our figure ranges and take a great level of pride in everything we produce. Since our founding in 2007 we have released thousands of hand painted historical figure sets and unpainted kits and have rapidly built a brand that has become synonymous with quality, detail, and historical accuracy. Simply put, our figures are widely regarded as being among finest in the world and the best value in the price/quality matrix with a depth of figure ranges that is unparalleled.
Having achieved our goal in regards to 60mm painted historical figures, we are now expanding our product ranges to 28mm table top wargaming figures, specifically for fantasy and science fiction gaming. We will approach our entry into this market with the same level of passion and commitment to quality that has allowed us to be so successful in the 60mm painted figure market. Our ranges will start with figures and rapidly expand to include gaming systems, terrain, and a wide variety of supporting products and properties.
The philosophy of our company is to produce products of the highest quality at prices affordable to the average consumer. We aim to make products that we ourselves want to collect and we are and will remain our own greatest critics. Our goal is to plant ourselves firmly in the top right quadrant of the price/quality matrix offering superlative products at extremely competitive prices. This philosophy has served us extremely well in our 60mm painted figure business and we will apply the same model to our fantasy and science fiction 28mm gaming ranges.
Our Guarantee
Our goal is to build a brand that is synonymous with quality and excellent customer service and as such, we'll do whatever we can to make sure you are completely satisfied with any product that has our name on it. So if you have any problems with an order or a product, please feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to rectify it as quickly as we can.
Happy Collecting and Gaming!!
First Legion